Helmet Scalp Itch is Common: Why and how to stop scalp itchinessWhy does scalp itchiness occur when wearing a helmet? Although scalp itch is generally more likely to occur when wearing headgear for longer periods, some riders are prone to suffer severe itch almost immediately after putting on their helmet. We spoke to our team of professional trichologists (hair and scalp specialists) who said there are likely to be three culprit reasons for the phenomena of helmet scalp itch: -
How to Stop Severe Scalp ItchAs mentioned above scratching the scalp makes it feel better at least temporarily but our nails (or other utensils!) cause microscopic lesions in its delicate surface. When we replace our helmet the bacteria living off enzymes in the sweat absorbed lining move into the lesions. This serves to increase the itch and irritation and can worsen the problem; a mild skin infection can occur. Topical scalp stimulants such as Menthogen help because they contain vasodilators which mimic scratching by bringing blood supply to the scalp’s surface plus other agents to help prevent itch in the first place. They keep working - to stop itchy scalp - for the duration of the day (or your ride). Physical barriers such as bandanas, skull caps or similar may also help. The effectiveness will ultimately depend on what the originating cause and what type of fabric the barrier is manufactured from. If the problem is static then cotton, silk or satin will not help. If the problem is generated through sweat and bacteria then absorbent materials that do not ‘wick’ sweat will be even less effective. Stop Helmet Scalp Itch with Menthogen
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